How to make beignets

Make Beignets


Firstly you have to put ywo cups of the mix in a bowl and seven onces of water

Firstly you have to put ywo cups of the mix in a bowl and seven onces of water

Then, stir with a spoon until blended

Then, stir with a spoon until blended

Roll the mix to 1/8" thickness on floured surface

Roll the mix to 1/8" thickness on floured surface

Cut into 2 1/4" squares

Cut into 2 1/4" squares

Put the oil in a frying pan at 370\u00ba

Put the oil in a frying pan at 370ยบ

Place the doughnuts and bast continually on each side until puffy and light golden

Place the doughnuts and bast continually on each side until puffy and light golden

Drain well

Drain well

Enjoy! You can sprinkle powdered sugar or pour some honey!

Enjoy! You can sprinkle powdered sugar or pour some honey!

  • 2.0c Beignet mix
  • 7.0oz Water
  • 1/2c Oil
  • Flour