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Gather supplies

Gather supplies

Set your iron to its wool setting

Set your iron to its wool setting

Place tape between fabric layers

Place tape between fabric layers

Cover with damp cloth

Cover with damp cloth

Press on the spot for 10 seconds on each side (front to back)

Press on the spot for 10 seconds on each side (front to back)

Keep going until you have all your sides together but leave 1 side open to put in stuffing

Keep going until you have all your sides together but leave 1 side open to put in stuffing

Finished product!!\ud83d\ude03\ud83d\udc4d\ud83d\udc4d

Finished product!!😃👍👍

  • Fabric and or Old shirt or bought shirt
  • Scissors
  • Stitch witchery
  • Iron
  • Something to stuff the pillow with