How to make beautiful bobby pins

Make Beautiful Bobby Pins


I saw a guide in snapguide about painting ur hair pin with nail follow the steps

I saw a guide in snapguide about painting ur hair pin with nail follow the steps

Gather ur nail polishes

Gather ur nail polishes

Let them dry for 5 minutes

Let them dry for 5 minutes

While u r waiting you can have fun putting nail polish on you nails

While u r waiting you can have fun putting nail polish on you nails

Put a second layer an again wait

Put a second layer an again wait

Dont waste ur time and while u r waiting start designing ur nails.\ue00e

Dont waste ur time and while u r waiting start designing ur nails.

Use a hot gun glue to stick the flower to the pin ( i didnt have glue so i sew it with string)

Here they are\ue303\ue305

Here they are

Me and my lovely pink pin

Me and my lovely yellow pin\ue32c\ue32c

Me and my lovely yellow pin

Send me ur comments. Love yeaaa

  • Bobie pins
  • Artificial flowers
  • Nail polish