How to make banana baby food

Make Banana Baby Food


Get a banana, (this one doesn't look very good)

Get a banana, (this one doesn't look very good)

Cut it, I cut mine like this but u don't have to

Cut it, I cut mine like this but u don't have to

Peel it,

Peel it,

Mash the bananas,

Mash the bananas,

And get some Cheerios,

And get some Cheerios,

And teddy grahams,

And teddy grahams,

Put the Cheerios and Grahams in a bag and smash them. This is the 'powder'

Put the Cheerios and Grahams in a bag and smash them. This is the 'powder'

Put the banana stuff and powder in a bowl and mix

Put the banana stuff and powder in a bowl and mix

And it's banana baby food

The creator of this guide has not included ingredients