How to make baby qulit

Make Baby Qulit


collecting fabric and cutting the squares to size of your choice including your seam allwoance

collecting fabric and cutting the squares to size of your choice including your seam allwoance

Then Simply create your pattern with your squares

Then Simply create your pattern with your squares

placing same side together. simply sew your seam allowance along the edge.

placing same side together. simply sew your seam allowance along the edge.

keep on adding your squares . this will be slowly creating a row .

keep on adding your squares . this will be slowly creating a row .

once done with all of your rows . then place then same side together sewing down the whole row with your seam allowance.

once done with all of your rows . then place then same side together sewing down the whole row with your seam allowance.

you will keep on repeating step 5 creating the top of your quilt.

you will keep on repeating step 5 creating the top of your quilt.

the back of your quilt will be a large piece  2 in bigger on all the sides

the back of your quilt will be a large piece 2 in bigger on all the sides

folding the edge in twice the sew along the inner edge as close as you can

folding the edge in twice the sew along the inner edge as close as you can

then this is your finished project

then this is your finished project

  • Scraps of fabric
  • Spool of thread
  • Flat Cotton
  • sewing machince
  • pins