How to make apple pie parcels

Make Apple Pie Parcels


Peel your apples

Peel your apples

Cut up in cubes

Cut up in cubes

Fry up apples in the fry pan on medium heat. While this is happening, prepare your bananas

Fry up apples in the fry pan on medium heat. While this is happening, prepare your bananas

Cut up your bananas in cubes

Cut up your bananas in cubes

Add butter to your apples - we put about 50 g

Add butter to your apples - we put about 50 g

Add cinnamon - add as much as you prefer. You can add mixed spice as well if you like. Mix the apples and cinnamon

Add cinnamon - add as much as you prefer. You can add mixed spice as well if you like. Mix the apples and cinnamon

Add brown sugar - add how much you prefer I.e. how sweet you like it. Mix the sugar in

Add brown sugar - add how much you prefer I.e. how sweet you like it. Mix the sugar in

Add bananas and mix

Add bananas and mix

Let it stew so the apples are soft

Let it stew so the apples are soft

Prepare your pastry - spring roll pastry works well as its the right thickness!

Prepare your pastry - spring roll pastry works well as its the right thickness!

Spoon a small amount on a sheet of pastry

Spoon a small amount on a sheet of pastry

Fold one corner in and tuck in the remainder corner in

Fold one corner in and tuck in the remainder corner in

Fold in the sides

Fold in the sides

Fold the other side in

Fold the other side in

Using water, brush water along the remainder edge and fold it over

Using water, brush water along the remainder edge and fold it over

This is what they should look like

This is what they should look like

Place on a hot fry pan

Place on a hot fry pan

Once brown, flip it over and once both sides are brown, take off heat. These are made to eat straight away while they are still hot!

Once brown, flip it over and once both sides are brown, take off heat. These are made to eat straight away while they are still hot!

Enjoy! Is delicious with ice cream!

Enjoy! Is delicious with ice cream!

  • 3.0 Large Apples
  • Brown sugar (your preference on sweetness)
  • 50.0g Butter (roughly)
  • 3.0 Bananas
  • Spring roll pastry
  • Cinnamon
  • Mixed Spice
  • Water