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How to make anime eyes

Make Anime Eyes


Get a pencil and paper.

Get a pencil and paper.

Draw a circle with a cross.

Draw a circle with a cross.

Draw a line above and below the circle.

Draw a line above and below the circle.

Draw two lines between the other lines.

Draw two lines between the other lines.

Underline the border of the circle more boldly.

Underline the border of the circle more boldly.

Erase excess circle.

Erase excess circle.

Draw circles in the eye.

Draw circles in the eye.

Add eyelashes on the top.

Add eyelashes on the top.

Add eyelashes on the bottom.

Add eyelashes on the bottom.

Colour in the circle.

Colour in the circle.

Finally, your done! 😄✏️🎨

  • Pencil
  • Paper