How to make an origami invitation

Make an Origami Invitation


Sí tú papel no esta en la forma de un cuadro sigue la instrucciones en el video siguiente. 😊😊 If your paper isn't in the shape of a square follow the instructions on the following video.

Acabar\u00e1s con este resultado. Ya no necesita el papel delgado.  You will no longer need the strip of paper. You should end up with this result.

Acabarás con este resultado. Ya no necesita el papel delgado. You will no longer need the strip of paper. You should end up with this result.

Repite el paso anterior. Repeat the last step.

Acabar\u00e1s con este resultado.           You should have this result.

Acabarás con este resultado. You should have this result.

Ahora abre el papel. Now open the paper.

T\u00fa papel debe de verse as\u00ed.                  Your paper should look like this.

Tú papel debe de verse así. Your paper should look like this.

Escribe tu mensaje en tu sticky note.   Write you message on your sticky note.

Escribe tu mensaje en tu sticky note. Write you message on your sticky note.

Ponlo en el centro del papel.  Put it on the middle of the paper.

Ponlo en el centro del papel. Put it on the middle of the paper.

No tienes que sacar el papel si no quieres. Yo lo hice para no distraerme. You don't have to take out your sticky note. I did so I won't get distracted.

Pon atención al siguiente paso. Es el más importante. Pay attention to the next step. It's the most important one.

T\u00fa papel debe verse as\u00ed.  Your paper should look like this.

Tú papel debe verse así. Your paper should look like this.

Tu papel debe verse as\u00ed.  Your paper should look like this.

Tu papel debe verse así. Your paper should look like this.

Y ahora a decorar. And now to decorate.

Ta da ya acabamos. T\u00fa puedes colorar t\u00fa papel de los colores que gustes.   Ta da we finished. You can color your paper with whatever colors you'd like.

Ta da ya acabamos. Tú puedes colorar tú papel de los colores que gustes. Ta da we finished. You can color your paper with whatever colors you'd like.

  • 1.0 Tijeras/ scissors
  • 1.0 Papel/ paper
  • 1.0 Lápiz/ pencil
  • 8.0 Crayolas / crayons (opcional)
  • 1.0 Sticky note