How to make an omelette with a side of potatoes and toast

Make an Omelette With a Side of Potatoes and Toast


In an oiled pan, add potatoes until they are semi-transparent

In an oiled pan, add potatoes until they are semi-transparent

Once water is fully evaporated, plate and put them aside.

Next, let's prep our eggs. Garlic and scallions were freshly picked from the garden!

Next, let's prep our eggs. Garlic and scallions were freshly picked from the garden!

Dice the garlic and scallions and scramble 3 eggs. If you want fluffier eggs then add about 1/4 cup of milk

Dice the garlic and scallions and scramble 3 eggs. If you want fluffier eggs then add about 1/4 cup of milk

Cook garlic and scallions in oil, place to one side, use some more oil, and add the eggs

Cook garlic and scallions in oil, place to one side, use some more oil, and add the eggs

Run spatula around the perimeter of the pan to ensure eggs will not stick

Run spatula around the perimeter of the pan to ensure eggs will not stick

Carefully fold the side without garlic and scallions. After it cooks for a bit, run spatula underneath to prevent sticking and prepare to flip. Now would be a good time to prepare toast

Plate everything and enjoy!

  • Diced potato (check out my guide on this)
  • 3 eggs
  • Garlic
  • Scallions (green onions)
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil