How to make an illuminated manuscript

I made this for my Women in Art class. (Art 270 section 3001)


Most of the supplies I used! I could not find quill so I used a speedball calligraphy set instead.

Most of the supplies I used! I could not find quill so I used a speedball calligraphy set instead.

Pick the color of paper you want to use. I used the middle yellowish paper.

Pick the color of paper you want to use. I used the middle yellowish paper.

Start drawing out what you want your manuscript of. The manuscript that I was working off of was the Crucifixion from Northern France (around 1450 A.D). It's found in the Book of Hours.

Start drawing out what you want your manuscript of. The manuscript that I was working off of was the Crucifixion from Northern France (around 1450 A.D). It's found in the Book of Hours.

I cut out a hole from a piece of graphing paper that way when writing my wrist will not smudge the pencil marks on the paper as easily.

I cut out a hole from a piece of graphing paper that way when writing my wrist will not smudge the pencil marks on the paper as easily.

I then started painting with red

I then started painting with red

Then green

Then green

Then blue

Then blue

And yellowish orange

And yellowish orange

I then went back and added some detail with the India ink

I then went back and added some detail with the India ink

With the gold leaf, you'll need a primer of some sort. I used gilding adhesive. Gesso would work just as well.

With the gold leaf, you'll need a primer of some sort. I used gilding adhesive. Gesso would work just as well.

Using the adhesive I painted a light coat of it on where I want the gold at

Using the adhesive I painted a light coat of it on where I want the gold at

Let it dry till it gets tacky

Let it dry till it gets tacky

And then lay on the gold leaf and press it on gently

And then lay on the gold leaf and press it on gently

Taking a brush start brushing over the area to get the excess gold off

Taking a brush start brushing over the area to get the excess gold off

I then went back and added some more as I brushed too much off

I then went back and added some more as I brushed too much off

Add the finishing details and you're done!

  • Parchment/vellum paper
  • Paintbrushes
  • Watercolor
  • Acrylic if you want
  • India ink
  • Calligraphy kit with different tips
  • Gold leaf
  • A sort of primer for the gold leaf
  • Pencils
  • Eraser