How to make an icoseles and obtuse triangle

Make an Icoseles and Obtuse Triangle


Have a sharp pencil

Have a sharp pencil

Then get a ruler

Then get a ruler

A ruler is a tool used to measure lines in centimetres and inches

Draw a line using a ruler

Draw a line using a ruler

Draw another line to make an obtuse angle

Draw another line to make an obtuse angle

An obtuse angle is an angle greater than 90 degrees

Make sure the lines have the same measurement in centimetres

Make sure the lines have the same measurement in centimetres

Draw the last line to link up the triangle

Draw the last line to link up the triangle

Use a protractor to measure the angles in degrees

Use a protractor to measure the angles in degrees

Link up the bottom of the protractor with your line see where the other lines degree is

Link up the bottom of the protractor with your line see where the other lines degree is

Measure all the angles

There is your obtuse isosceles triangle 👍 Please like

  • Ruler
  • Protractor
  • Pencil
  • Piece of graph paper