How to make an easy friendship or ankle bracelet

Quick and easy guide on how to make a bracelet! :)


Get scissors and embroidery silks!

Get scissors and embroidery silks!

Measure out threads to be double the length you need it to be when finished! \ud83d\ude03

Measure out threads to be double the length you need it to be when finished! 😃

Here are all of my four colours at the end!

Here are all of my four colours at the end!

Tie a knot or two! \ud83d\ude1c

Tie a knot or two! 😜

Stick it down somewhere you can use celotape or white/blue tack! :)

Stick it down somewhere you can use celotape or white/blue tack! :)

Knot it together while doubled over undo the first knot you made! \ud83d\ude00

Knot it together while doubled over undo the first knot you made! 😀

There's the finished article! <3 you can also tie them around your ankle! :) ❤

  • 1.0 Scissors
  • 2.0 Embroidery silks