How to make an earthworm farm

Make an Earthworm Farm


Cut the top off the large drink bottle.

Cut the top off the large drink bottle.

Put some soil in the drink bottle.

Put some soil in the drink bottle.

Fill the small drink bottle with water

Fill the small drink bottle with water

Put the water bottle in the middle of the drink  bottle.

Put the water bottle in the middle of the drink bottle.

Fill the rest of the drink bottle with sand and soil.

Fill the rest of the drink bottle with sand and soil.

Put fruit scraps on top .

Put fruit scraps on top .

Put in the earthworms.

Put in the earthworms.

Cover the outside with black paper.

Cover the outside with black paper.

It is fun to make an earthworm farm!

  • A large drink bottle
  • Small water bottle
  • Water
  • Soil
  • Sand
  • Earthworms
  • Black paper
  • Tape
  • Fruit scraps