How to make an 'earned privilege chart' for your kids

A visual aid for showing the cause and effect of your child's behavior.


I had strip magnets, that I precut. They were a similar size to my ribbon. I made them about a half inch long and 1/4 inch wide.

I had strip magnets, that I precut. They were a similar size to my ribbon. I made them about a half inch long and 1/4 inch wide.

This can be done with any size ribbon/magnet you'd like, but make sure the magnet is strong enough to connect through the ribbon. If your magnets aren't the right size precut them.

This can be done with any size ribbon/magnet you'd like, but make sure the magnet is strong enough to connect through the ribbon. If your magnets aren't the right size precut them.

Measure you ribbon, make it as long as your column plus about a 1/2 inch, or how ever wide your magnet is x2.

Measure you ribbon, make it as long as your column plus about a 1/2 inch, or how ever wide your magnet is x2.

Lay you ribbon face down abs get a magnet and glue ready. If you have one sided magnets, make sure you glue magnet side down.

Lay you ribbon face down abs get a magnet and glue ready. If you have one sided magnets, make sure you glue magnet side down.

Add some glue.

Add some glue.

Add the magnet. Remember, magnet side down.

Add the magnet. Remember, magnet side down.

Add more glue.

Add more glue.

As tightly as you can fold it over. Repeat on the other end, repeat with all ribbon.

As tightly as you can fold it over. Repeat on the other end, repeat with all ribbon.

All done!

All done!

Flip over and allow to dry. It'll take about an hour or so to dry enough.

Flip over and allow to dry. It'll take about an hour or so to dry enough.

Using the ruler and permanent marker, measure and mark off a space at the top and bottom. Top for writing goals, bottom for storing credit counters. In retrospect I should have made the top larger.

Using the ruler and permanent marker, measure and mark off a space at the top and bottom. Top for writing goals, bottom for storing credit counters. In retrospect I should have made the top larger.

Using the dry erase maker decide how wide you want your columns. Trial and error lol.

Using the dry erase maker decide how wide you want your columns. Trial and error lol.

This is an example of doing it badly.... I wound up scrapping this whole layout, but this is just to show you the idea.

This is an example of doing it badly.... I wound up scrapping this whole layout, but this is just to show you the idea.

Tape over your lines with your washi tape. If you don't have washi tape, you could glue down thinner ribbons.

Tape over your lines with your washi tape. If you don't have washi tape, you could glue down thinner ribbons.

Create your columns.

Create your columns.

Clean up the edges. I added lines going across using the permanent marker, but forgot to take a picture. These make the 'credits'.

Clean up the edges. I added lines going across using the permanent marker, but forgot to take a picture. These make the 'credits'.

After adding lines and goals. My little girl loves the Avengers, she's 2 credits away from seeing ironman 3 in theaters.

After adding lines and goals. My little girl loves the Avengers, she's 2 credits away from seeing ironman 3 in theaters.

How it looks in practice (I just fakes this for the picture lol)

This idea is all due to my little girl. While scolding her one day I told her she was losing all she'd earned towards having a sleep over at my moms house. She asked me how much she had earned.

I realized she had no reference for this, and couldn't SEE how her behavior effected her getting what she wanted. So I made this chart as a visual. It's replaced most of the yelling and spankings.

In our house the philosophy is "it takes a lot of good behavior to earn a credit, and only a little naughty behavior to lose one." We feel this better reflects the real world, but I urge you to use

Your own judgement and decide what warrants credits being given or taken. This tool is just meant to show the child the cause and effect of their behavior.

I also want to mention that once she earns a privilege completely, we don't take it away. Everyone has their own ways of parenting, this is one way we have chosen, please feel free to share yours.

  • Dry erase board
  • Permanent marker
  • Washi tape
  • Ribbon
  • Magnets
  • Tacky glue
  • Scissors
  • Dry erase marker
  • Exacto knife (optional)