How to make an awesome duct tape wallet

Make an Awesome Duct Tape Wallet


Gather your duct tape and scissors.

Gather your duct tape and scissors.

Recent duct tape purse I've made.

Recent duct tape purse I've made.

First, you take a piece of duct tape the length/width you want your wallet to be.

First, you take a piece of duct tape the length/width you want your wallet to be.

Make another the same size and stick them together like so.

Make another the same size and stick them together like so.

And again...

And again...

Then, flip it hotdog style and slap on two pieces of tape with the ends sticking out.

Then, flip it hotdog style and slap on two pieces of tape with the ends sticking out.

Make a bunny head and leave a strip in the middle for pockets.

Make a bunny head and leave a strip in the middle for pockets.

Fold it in half and take a teensy piece of tape and wrap around where the sticky part met with the other side like in the picture. I know, it's kinda complicated.

Fold it in half and take a teensy piece of tape and wrap around where the sticky part met with the other side like in the picture. I know, it's kinda complicated.

Take a piece of tape about the length/width of your wallet.

Take a piece of tape about the length/width of your wallet.

And add another...

And add another...

Then fill the entire side with duct tape but leave the bottom edge sticky like so.

Then fill the entire side with duct tape but leave the bottom edge sticky like so.

Place it on your wallet so you have enough room to flip the flap over the pockets.

Place it on your wallet so you have enough room to flip the flap over the pockets.

It looks like this on the other side.

It looks like this on the other side.

Flip it over and go to the next slide!

Flip it over and go to the next slide!

The latch:

The creator of this guide has not included tools