How to make an automatic armor equiper in minecraft.
Make an Automatic Armor Equiper in Minecraft.
First, place any block you want in a "n" shape and have one floating block right about the middle bottom block.
Next, place dispensers on the top, sides, and bottom and have them all facing to the center.
Then, go to the back and place two Redstone dust on the top and bottom middle block. This is needed to activate the dispensers on both the top and bottom.
Then, place a stone button on the floating middle block so you can activate the Redstone dust and thus activate the dispensers.
Place Diamond Helmets in the top dispenser.
Place Diamond boots in the bottom dispenser.
Place chest plates in the left dispenser.
Place leggings in the right dispenser.
This part is extra and it is to designate what type of armor goes in each dispenser when you are refilling it. First, you must shift and right click to put down item frames on the dispensers.
Then right click with the type of armor in your hand and it should appear on the frame.
You are done with your automatic armor equipper machine!
The creator of this guide has not included tools