How to make an amazing vegetable and meat soup!

An amazing soup perfect for rainy or cold days!


Chop ruffly all vegetables and put them with the meat in a large pan. A little bit of everything goes a long way!

Chop ruffly all vegetables and put them with the meat in a large pan. A little bit of everything goes a long way!

Add enough water to cover everything and put in medium/low heat. Be patient and let it cook for about 1:30 hours.

Add enough water to cover everything and put in medium/low heat. Be patient and let it cook for about 1:30 hours.

Check the vegetables to see if they're cooked. A knife should go through easily..

Check the vegetables to see if they're cooked. A knife should go through easily..

When done, take the meat from the soup and let it cool down a bit.

When done, take the meat from the soup and let it cool down a bit.

Puree your soup with a mixer.

Puree your soup with a mixer.

Now that your meat has cooled down a bit. Shred it with you hands, getting rid of any excess fat and put it on the soup.

Now that your meat has cooled down a bit. Shred it with you hands, getting rid of any excess fat and put it on the soup.

Now adjust salt, pepper and add any other seasoning you like. You can add noodles to the soup if you want! You can let it cook a little bit more to thicken the broth if you want to!


  • 600.0g Meat (in one or 2 pieces)
  • 2.0 Tomatos
  • 1.0 Carrot
  • 1.0 Onion
  • 2.0 Potatos
  • 1.0 Eggplant
  • Leaves of cabbage
  • Leaves of spinach
  • Any other vegetable you have
  • 1.0 Broccoli