How to make amazing toast

Quick and easy(:


Get your toast and toaster ready.. I have my heat setting a little less than halfway on my toaster so about 3

Get your toast and toaster ready.. I have my heat setting a little less than halfway on my toaster so about 3

Warning: the toaster may pop unexpectedly and yes, it can be very scary.. So beware

Now get your butter, cinnamon, and sugar ready

Now get your butter, cinnamon, and sugar ready

Take your toast out as soon as it gets done so it's still warm

Butter toast quickly so it can melt a little, this helps the sugar to stick

Butter toast quickly so it can melt a little, this helps the sugar to stick

Now add your sugar, I have a sweet tooth so I added quite a bit

Now add your sugar, I have a sweet tooth so I added quite a bit

The sugar can be very messy, yes I always get it everywhere so be careful

Now go medium with the cinnamon to give it a finishing touch(:

Now go medium with the cinnamon to give it a finishing touch(:

Now that only took like 2 seconds and you have a delicious breakfast, enjoy(:

  • Butter
  • Bread
  • Cinnamon
  • Toaster
  • Butter knife
  • No cooking skills whatsoever