How to make almond milk / leche de almendras
Almond milk is a great alternative to regular dairy milk. Almonds are packed with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals and heart-healthy fats. They are also a source of complex carbohydrates.
Soak the almonds in fresh water inside the fridge for at least 12 hours (up to 24) // Remoja las almendras en agua fresca dentro del refrigerador por 12 a 24 horas.
Discard the soaking water, rinse and add fresh water. // Tira el agua del remojo y agrega agua nueva.
Using a low velocity mastication vertical juicer process the almonds and water. If using high power blender process all at once. // Procesa las almendras y agua en la máquina o en la licuadora.
Almond milk in the process. // La leche de almendras saliendo del extractor.
Almond solids separated from liquid. // Los sólidos son separados del líquido.
Almond milk ready to be strained. // La leche de almendras lista para ser colada.
The vertical juicer takes out most of the solids, but you still need to strain the milk. It is best to use a nut bag, or cheese cloth instead. // Cuela con una bolsa para leche o paño de quesos
DON'T THROW THE SOLIDS AWAY! Let the solids dry and use them in cookies recipes, soups or anything you want to have a hint of almond flavor. // Usa los sólidos para sopas, galletas, etc.
Milk is ready! Enjoy! // Leche de almendras lista! Disfruta!
Use it in cereal, smoothies, soups or drink it just as it is. Use it in anything that calls for regular milk. Keep left overs in the fridge for up to 24 hrs // Guarda lo que quede por no más de 24 hrs
- 1.0c Raw almonds / Almendras crudas
- 1.0l Water / Agua
- Low speed vertical juicer /Extractor d masticación
- Cheese cloth or nut bag / bolsa o tela para quesos
- Alt- High velocity blender / Licuadora d alta vel