How to make agua de horchata

Traditional Mexican beverage


you have to place a litre of rise in water for about 2 hours

you have to place a litre of rise in water for about 2 hours

prepare for blending. but not all rise, you will repeat this process

prepare for blending. but not all rise, you will repeat this process

Add sugar every time. or at the end as much as you want

Add sugar every time. or at the end as much as you want

add 2 cups of water, cinamon and blend. You will not blend all rise just a portion

add 2 cups of water, cinamon and blend. You will not blend all rise just a portion

separate rise from water

separate rise from water

Repeat process, cause probably you didnt blend all.

Repeat process, cause probably you didnt blend all.

keep separating on every portion

keep separating on every portion

Add sweet millk 1 can and a half

Add sweet millk 1 can and a half



2 shots of vanilla

2 shots of vanilla

Done !! almost 3 litres of water ready to drink. You can add more sugar if you want. I recommend serve in a glass full of ice, really filled with lots of ice. :)

  • 1.0l white rise
  • 1/2l (356 ml) leche clavel
  • 1/3 cinamon of 45g
  • 5.0Tbsp vanilla
  • 3.0l water