How to make adorable photos out of photos that you love
Make Adorable Photos Out of Photos That You Love
Download Snapeee. Open it.
There should be a little pink button like this at the bottom. Click on it. (You may have to make an account before you can do this)
Once you click the button this will happen. I normally just use pictures from my album. Click on it and pick your picture.
Once you pick it the app will ask you to size it.
Once your done doing that you can edit it and add photos.
In the bottom left corner you will see a white paint pallet. Click on it.
Stickers will appear for you to put on your photo. ( you can buy or download more stickers)
You can add however many stickers you want. This is what mine came out to look like. In the top right corner there will be a check. Click on it to post.
This will come up. You can type whatever you want. Then click post.
And you come out with an amazing new photo!!! I hope this helped and that it was easy to follow!!!
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