How to make a wedding card box

Make a Wedding Card Box


Please refer to supply list.

Please refer to supply list.

Measure the center of the bigger box that will be your base

Measure the center of the bigger box that will be your base

Once you find the centre, draw 2 lines from the centre

Once you find the centre, draw 2 lines from the centre

Measure the smaller box and draw it on the bigger box.

Measure the smaller box and draw it on the bigger box.

Then draw a even smaller rectangle (mine is 1 inch smaller than my smallest box-the darker outline)

Then draw a even smaller rectangle (mine is 1 inch smaller than my smallest box-the darker outline)

Cut the smallest rectangular shape out

Cut the smallest rectangular shape out

Apply glue between the small box outline and the smallest rectangular cut out

Apply glue between the small box outline and the smallest rectangular cut out

Place the small box on top of the big box and let the glue dry

Place the small box on top of the big box and let the glue dry

Cut your ribbon to the right size

Cut your ribbon to the right size

Glue it on the small box

Glue it on the small box

Take the small box's lid off

Take the small box's lid off

Again measure the center and draw a narrow rectangular shape (this should be big enough so envelopes can be inserted but not too big so people can see everything inside)

Again measure the center and draw a narrow rectangular shape (this should be big enough so envelopes can be inserted but not too big so people can see everything inside)

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Add bling bling.

Add bling bling.

Cut out the bottom of small box so that you can see inside the bigger box if you place it on top of it

Cut out the bottom of small box so that you can see inside the bigger box if you place it on top of it

You should be able to see inside the bigger box when you place the small box on top

You should be able to see inside the bigger box when you place the small box on top

Now we can add more bling bling or ribbon at the bottom of bigger box

Now we can add more bling bling or ribbon at the bottom of bigger box

I glued the flower on and vola!!!

  • 2.0 Different size boxes
  • Craft glue
  • Ruler
  • Ribbon
  • Fabric flower
  • Craft jewelery
  • X-acto knife
  • Pencil