How to make a water color tree

Make a Water Color Tree


Take your paint pad and your two shades of brown ( burnt sienna, burnt umber) and take your selected paint brush I used my smallest paint brush ( R6 )

Take your paint pad and your two shades of brown ( burnt sienna, burnt umber) and take your selected paint brush I used my smallest paint brush ( R6 )

Take out a small amount of your browns and put them on a piece of magazine paper and dip your brush in a jar of water

Take out a small amount of your browns and put them on a piece of magazine paper and dip your brush in a jar of water

Take your paint brush and dip it into the burnt sienna and draw a line until you get half way up your page, your line does not have to be straight, make it a bit bendy in the lines

Take your paint brush and dip it into the burnt sienna and draw a line until you get half way up your page, your line does not have to be straight, make it a bit bendy in the lines

Now using the same brush strokes draw your main branch and add little branches stemming of the main branch

Now using the same brush strokes draw your main branch and add little branches stemming of the main branch

Now keep on repeating step 4 until you get a consistent amount of branches that you want to have, and don't worry it doesn't have to look the same as mine

Now keep on repeating step 4 until you get a consistent amount of branches that you want to have, and don't worry it doesn't have to look the same as mine

Add tree dents by using your new paint color ( burnt umber ) do these same markings on the tree. Wait for it to dry, it takes about 2-4  minutes

Add tree dents by using your new paint color ( burnt umber ) do these same markings on the tree. Wait for it to dry, it takes about 2-4 minutes

Use three different Sade's of green. I used peppermint green, viridian hue and sap green. We will use the to paint the leaves

Use three different Sade's of green. I used peppermint green, viridian hue and sap green. We will use the to paint the leaves

Now start with your peppermint green and paint oval like shapes on the stem, don't make it to big. Carry on painting leaves until you have painted on all the stems, remember don't fill all the gaps

Now start with your peppermint green and paint oval like shapes on the stem, don't make it to big. Carry on painting leaves until you have painted on all the stems, remember don't fill all the gaps

This is the tree with the peppermint green leaves

This is the tree with the peppermint green leaves

Now finish of the leaves with sap green and viridian hue. You can add more leaves if you feel it is to empty

Now finish of the leaves with sap green and viridian hue. You can add more leaves if you feel it is to empty

This is the final product. Mine looks a bit plain but you can add your own twist to it, maybe by doing a background or adding shrubs or grass reeds. Hope you liked my guide ;)

  • Water colour paint set ( mine was a set of 18 )
  • Paint brushes I used three kinds ( R6, R12, F10
  • A water color paint pad
  • A jar of clean and clear water
  • A old magazine