How to make a vr tour using cospaces

Make a VR Tour Using CoSpaces


To start, using your 360\u00b0 camera, take a few pictures of the space you want to tour in.

To start, using your 360° camera, take a few pictures of the space you want to tour in.

Create a new AR/VR space using the 360\u00b0 image preset.

Create a new AR/VR space using the 360° image preset.

Upload one of your 360 images.

Upload one of your 360 images.

Create a new scene and upload another 360 image.

Create a new scene and upload another 360 image.

Upload an icon to send a user to another picture.

Upload an icon to send a user to another picture.

Right click the icon in your scene. Name it, then flip the 'Use in CoBlocks' switch.

Right click the icon in your scene. Name it, then flip the 'Use in CoBlocks' switch.

In the CoBlocks code, copy this piece of code. To explain, when the icon is clicked, it will send the user to another scene, which would be another image.

Repeat steps 4-7 for as many scenes you would like.

  • 1.0 360º Camera