How to make a twisted lemon garnish

Make a Twisted Lemon Garnish


Get a knife and a cutting board.

Get a knife and a cutting board.

Get a lemon.

Get a lemon.

Cut the lemon into thin slices.

Cut the lemon into thin slices.

Cut a straight line from the middle of them lemon all the way to the edge of the lemon.

Cut a straight line from the middle of them lemon all the way to the edge of the lemon.

Take the two free sides of the lemon with your pointer fingers and thumbs.

Take the two free sides of the lemon with your pointer fingers and thumbs.

Twist one side of the lemon back and the other side of the lemon forward.

Twist one side of the lemon back and the other side of the lemon forward.

Take the finished product and put it on a plate.

Take the finished product and put it on a plate.

Get a lemon.

Cut the lemon into thin slices.

Cut a straight line from the middle of the lemon all the way to the edge of the lemon.

Take the two free sides with your pointer fingers and thumbs.

Twist one side back and the other side forward.

Take finished product and put on the plate.

  • 1.0 knife
  • 1.0 cutting board
  • 2.0 lemons
  • 1.0 plate