How to make a tumblr planner

Make a Tumblr Planner


Here is my planner I made!

Here is my planner I made!

You gather up a collage of photos on Take a plastic binder sheet and lay it on top of the printed collage

Gather up lots of loose leaf and start planning your weekly plans!  (The line are approx. 5 lines from the other lines above and below)

Gather up lots of loose leaf and start planning your weekly plans! (The line are approx. 5 lines from the other lines above and below)

Take some loose leaf and start writing the summary said of each month: the month, what to do, what to buy, where to go, and who to call. Add some space for notes

Take some loose leaf and start writing the summary said of each month: the month, what to do, what to buy, where to go, and who to call. Add some space for notes

For other months, if their not that busy you can make a regular calendar format.

For other months, if their not that busy you can make a regular calendar format.

Make sure you draw or print a year summary so you know what day is what month or holiday!

Make sure you draw or print a year summary so you know what day is what month or holiday!

-OPTIONAL- put some inspiration in the few back pages to her you up!

-OPTIONAL- put some inspiration in the few back pages to her you up!

Bind together with a metal binder ring and TA DA! You now have a beautiful planner!

Bind together with a metal binder ring and TA DA! You now have a beautiful planner!

  • Ruled loose leaf
  • Plastic binder seperaters
  • Colourful highlighters or markers
  • Pen
  • Ruler
  • Printed page of multipal picture collage(picmonkey
  • Metal round binder ring