How to make a toy box for your pet

Make a Toy Box for Your Pet


Here are the supplies you'll need. Empty tissue box, expo marker,duck tape, and scissors.

Here are the supplies you'll need.     Empty tissue box, expo marker,duck tape, and scissors.

First, grab your scissors and cut the opening of the tissue box to the corners shown in the picture. Do that to all four corners.

First, grab your scissors and cut the opening of the tissue box to the corners shown in the picture. Do that to all four corners.

Next, cut off the flaps so then you just have the tissue box as shown above.

Next, cut off the flaps so then you just have the tissue box as shown above.

Then, grab your duck tape and start taping the box. You want to start from the top and work your way down to make it easier. When you have the first area done, do the rest.

Then, grab your duck tape and start taping the box. You want to start from the top and work your way down to make it easier. When you have the first area done, do the rest.

When you have finished taping the whole tissue box, this is what it should turn out like.

When you have finished taping the whole tissue box, this is what it should turn out like.

The name of your pet needs to be presentable on the toy box, so what I did was cut some duck tape of a different pattern and stuck in in the middle. I did that to all four sides of the box.

The name of your pet needs to be presentable on the toy box, so what I did was cut some duck tape of a different pattern and stuck in in the middle. I did that to all four sides of the box.

Finally, your final product should look like the picture above.

  • Empty tissue box
  • Thin expo marker
  • Ducktape of your choice
  • Scissors