How to make a timed minecraft maze

Make a Timed Minecraft Maze


Create your maze using the blocks of your choice and put a pressure plate at the beginning.

Create your maze using the blocks of your choice and put a pressure plate at the beginning.

Dig out a path for redstone dust and redstone repeaters starting from the block under the pressure plate and ending at the end of the maze.

Dig out a path for redstone dust and redstone repeaters starting from the block under the pressure plate and ending at the end of the maze.

Create a path of redstone dust and repeaters that will last about the amount of time it would take to finish the maze.

Create a path of redstone dust and repeaters that will last about the amount of time it would take to finish the maze.

At the end of the maze, put a sticky piston 2 blocks over the opening facing down, and a sticky piston 2 blocks under the opening facing up.

At the end of the maze, put a sticky piston 2 blocks over the opening facing down, and a sticky piston 2 blocks under the opening facing up.

Add a block of your choice to each of the pistons on their "sticky" sides.

Add a block of your choice to each of the pistons on their "sticky" sides.

2 blocks over from each sticky piston, add a block of your choice and in the one block between the sticky piston and the block, add a redstone torch.

2 blocks over from each sticky piston, add a block of your choice and in the one block between the sticky piston and the block, add a redstone torch.

Then add a trail of redstone from the other side of each block of your choice to the end of the redstone and redstone repeater trail.

Then add a trail of redstone from the other side of each block of your choice to the end of the redstone and redstone repeater trail.

Add signs that explain what the player will hear when the maze starts and ends.

Add signs that explain what the player will hear when the maze starts and ends.

Connect note blocks using redstone to the redstone connecting to the doors so they sound when the door opens.

Connect note blocks using redstone to the redstone connecting to the doors so they sound when the door opens.

Add a noteblock two blocks under the surface that connects to the beginning pressure plate with no repeaters in between them so it sounds when the pressure plate is pressed.

Add a noteblock two blocks under the surface that connects to the beginning pressure plate with no repeaters in between them so it sounds when the pressure plate is pressed.

Now, your timed maze is done and ready for use!

Now, your timed maze is done and ready for use!

  • Redstone Dust
  • 2.0 Redstone Torches
  • 1.0 Pressure Plate
  • 2.0 Sticky Pistons
  • Block of your Choice
  • Redstone Repeaters