How to make a thick friendship bracelet

Make a Thick Friendship Bracelet


Gather your supplies.

Gather your supplies.

Cut 2 Of each color thread, all the same length.

Cut 2 Of each color thread, all the same length.

Tie a knot at the top.

Tie a knot at the top.

Tape the top to a sturdy surface, or hold it down with a heavy object.

Tape the top to a sturdy surface, or hold it down with a heavy object.

Create a "4" with the first 2 threads like in the round friendship bracelet.

Create a "4" with the first 2 threads like in the round friendship bracelet.

Loop the thread around.

Loop the thread around.

Pull the knot created up to the top.

Pull the knot created up to the top.

Continue to do thing along the entire row. When you get to the end of one row, leave the thread at the end and start on the next row.

Continue to do thing along the entire row. When you get to the end of one row, leave the thread at the end and start on the next row.

Your end result!!

  • Different colored thread
  • Scissors
  • Tape or a heavy object.