How to make a thanksgiving basket

Make a Thanksgiving Basket


Buy the supplies you'll need on the supermarked.

Buy the supplies you'll need on the supermarked.

Find out the basket that you want to use.

Add the cupcake liners.

Add the cupcake liners.

Wash and add carrots and radishes.

Wash and add carrots and radishes.

Put garlic and chilis in your basket.

Put garlic and chilis in your basket.

Make a bread you prefer, or get one at the bakery store.

Make a bread you prefer, or get one at the bakery store.

Add the lemon and the mushrooms.

Add the lemon and the mushrooms.

Add your blackcurrant juice/syrup.

Add your blackcurrant juice/syrup.

Put the cucumber and your snow peas in the basket.

Put the cucumber and your snow peas in the basket.

Now you have a nice thangsgiving basket that can be used as the price in a competition or game, or whatever you like. Enjoy your holiday!

Now you have a nice thangsgiving basket that can be used as the price in a competition or game, or whatever you like. Enjoy your holiday!

  • 1.0bnch Carrots
  • 5.0 Garlic
  • 1.0bnch Chili
  • 1.0 Homemade bread
  • 1.0bnch Radishes
  • 1.0bnch Mushrooms
  • 1.0 Cucumber
  • 1.0bnch Snow peas
  • 1.0 Lemon
  • 1.0bnch Cupcake liners
  • 1.0 Blackcurrant juice
  • 1.0 Basket