How to make a tangle free earbud (headphones) case

A great solution for tangled earbuds that I found at


We can spend a lot on our headphones, & they often end up getting tangled, or ruined in our bags. Here is an inexpensive solution that couldn't be more simple that I found on iheartorganizing's blog.

We can spend a lot on our headphones, & they often end up getting tangled, or ruined in our bags. Here is an inexpensive solution that couldn't be more simple that I found on iheartorganizing's blog.

Begin by going to the travel section of your local super store, and purchasing a travel pack of Q-tips in the color of your choice. I got mine for 97\u00a2.

Begin by going to the travel section of your local super store, and purchasing a travel pack of Q-tips in the color of your choice. I got mine for 97¢.

Next, remove labels from both sides of plastic container, as well as the Q-tips.

Next, remove labels from both sides of plastic container, as well as the Q-tips.

Loosely coil your earbuds (winding them tightly can ruin them), & place in container. At this point your case is complete- they're protected, tangle free, and ready to throw in your backpack or purse.

Loosely coil your earbuds (winding them tightly can ruin them), & place in container. At this point your case is complete- they're protected, tangle free, and ready to throw in your backpack or purse.

One last optional step, if you wish to personalize your case, add a sticker of your choice, as I did here. You can also use this idea for cables or a cleaning cloth. Enjoy! Thanks iheartorganizing!

  • 1.0 Travel Size Container of Q-Tips
  • 1.0 Optional: Sticker of your choice