How to make a t flip flop in minecraft

Make a T Flip Flop in Minecraft


Place one regular block with button on one side and one piece of redstone dust on the other side.

Place one regular block with button on one side and one piece of redstone dust on the other side.

Dig a hole in front of the redstone dust and place a sticky piston facing upwards in it.

Dig a hole in front of the redstone dust and place a sticky piston facing upwards in it.

Place your other regular block on top of the sticky piston with a redstone repeater facing out of it.

Place your other regular block on top of the sticky piston with a redstone repeater facing out of it.

Place your other sticky piston in front of the redstone repeater facing outwards with a redstone block on its face. The T Flip Flop is now complete.

Place your other sticky piston in front of the redstone repeater facing outwards with a redstone block on its face. The T Flip Flop is now complete.

This is a way that T Flip Flops are useful. First, place redstone dust in this formation. The rest of this guide is optional.

This is a way that T Flip Flops are useful. First, place redstone dust in this formation. The rest of this guide is optional.

Then, place sticky pistons facing each other connected to the redstone lines with regular blocks on their faces like so.

Then, place sticky pistons facing each other connected to the redstone lines with regular blocks on their faces like so.

When you click the button, the blocks will swap and you will get this. This is called a block swapper which can be useful in many redstone circuits.

When you click the button, the blocks will swap and you will get this. This is called a block swapper which can be useful in many redstone circuits.

This is another circuit that attempts to accomplish the same thing as the T Flip Flop.

This is another circuit that attempts to accomplish the same thing as the T Flip Flop.

When the lever is clicked however, the same result as the T Flip Flop is not accomplished because of how Minecraft and directions in Minecraft are programmed. So, a T Flip Flop is your best bet.

When the lever is clicked however, the same result as the T Flip Flop is not accomplished because of how Minecraft and directions in Minecraft are programmed. So, a T Flip Flop is your best bet.

  • 1.0 Redstone Dust
  • 1.0 Redstone Repeater
  • 2.0 Regular Blocks
  • 2.0 Sticky Pistons
  • 1.0 Button
  • 1.0 Redstone Block