How to make a sturdy bookmark

Make a Sturdy Bookmark


These bookmarks can be whatever design you like! They're fun to make and fun to use. You never know, it might just encourage you to read more!

Have some pictures printed out in colour. I love watching Sword Art Online (there's a new season out- Gun Gale Online!!) And so to celebrate, I decided to make some SAO bookmarks!

Have some pictures printed out in colour. I love watching Sword Art Online (there's a new season out- Gun Gale Online!!) And so to celebrate, I decided to make some SAO bookmarks!

On cardstock, trace the edge of your picture, lining it along the edge of the cardboard. (white preferrably)

On cardstock, trace the edge of your picture, lining it along the edge of the cardboard. (white preferrably)

Using a craft knife, cut along the lines you've traced.

Using a craft knife, cut along the lines you've traced.

With double sided tape, add the tape to the sides of your picture, and place the cardboard on the tape. Repeat this step, and trim off the edges with a craft knife. This makes your bookmark thicker.

With double sided tape, add the tape to the sides of your picture, and place the cardboard on the tape. Repeat this step, and trim off the edges with a craft knife. This makes your bookmark thicker.

Choose a design from your cardstock. I just went with classy and timeless vintage prints.

Choose a design from your cardstock. I just went with classy and timeless vintage prints.

This is optional if you want to add a tassel or ribbon- punch a hole through the middle of the top of your bookmark. (I'm sorry Asuna!!! I have to punch a hole on your forehead!)

This is optional if you want to add a tassel or ribbon- punch a hole through the middle of the top of your bookmark. (I'm sorry Asuna!!! I have to punch a hole on your forehead!)

Add a ribbon or a tassel through the hole, and now you're done! I'm hoping to make all the other pictures you saw previously into bookmarks, and I have so many more ideas!

Add a ribbon or a tassel through the hole, and now you're done! I'm hoping to make all the other pictures you saw previously into bookmarks, and I have so many more ideas!

Pretty darn cute! How about Divergent bookmarks with the five symbols of the factions? Or a galaxy aztec print one? You can never go wrong with animals or quotes!

Pretty darn cute! How about Divergent bookmarks with the five symbols of the factions? Or a galaxy aztec print one? You can never go wrong with animals or quotes!

Hope you enjoyed this simple craft, and see you through the screen! Buh-bye!

Hope you enjoyed this simple craft, and see you through the screen! Buh-bye!

  • Pictures
  • Double sided tape
  • Scissors
  • Craft Knife (X- acto Knife)
  • Cardboard
  • Cardstock
  • Pencil