How to make a stick figure out of pipe cleaners

Make a Stick Figure Out of Pipe Cleaners


Bend the pipe cleaner in half

Bend the pipe cleaner in half

Make circle or rounded part at the top and then twist. This is his head

Make circle or rounded part at the top and then twist. This is his head

Twist a little bit more then on both sides bend the to the sides and back. It'll look something like this. Its his arms

Twist a little bit more then on both sides bend the to the sides and back. It'll look something like this. Its his arms

Twist the arms and the rest of his body (I made his arms too short:( sorry)

Twist the arms and the rest of his body (I made his arms too short:( sorry)

he might look a bit twisted so you'll just have to twist him a bit more to make him look better

Once you spiffy him up, just bend his legs to give him some feet

Once you spiffy him up, just bend his legs to give him some feet

Then you can just manipulate him to whatever pose you want (the far left one is sitting and crossing his arms)

  • Pipe cleaners