How to make a spiral knot with scooby strings

Make a Spiral Knot With Scooby Strings




Take 2 of them

Take 2 of them



Tie like this

Tie like this

Separate one dont cut

Separate one dont cut

Cross it over the3 strings making a D

Cross it over the3 strings making a D

Better pic

Better pic

Take it from behind and put it through the loop from behind

Take it from behind and put it through the loop from behind

Be careful not to overlap and not to leave spaces in between

Little bit is done

Little bit is done

Look! It looks spiral! Doesn't it?

Look! It looks spiral! Doesn't it?

Keep doing this and wen u finish one color...

One color done

One color done

Hold the other colors remaining e and start wid the other obe

Hold the other colors remaining e and start wid the other obe

Like this and after one knot,leave the piece

Like this and after one knot,leave the piece

Cut out the remaining string

Cut out the remaining string

Done U can put them on bags or ur keys

Done U can put them on bags or ur keys

I know how to make more designs. If u liked this one,tell me to make more and I will!! Hope u liked it bie!

  • 2.0 Scooby strings