How to make a spinning coil motor

Make a Spinning Coil Motor


Theese are the supplies you will need to build a spinning coil magnet.

Theese are the supplies you will need to build a spinning coil magnet.

Put 2 rubber bands around the cup

Put 2 rubber bands around the cup

Take a pencil, marker, or the bolt (anything around that width), and wrap the middle of the bare copper wire around twice.

Take a pencil, marker, or the bolt (anything around that width), and wrap the middle of the bare copper wire around twice.

Use the screwdriver to make the screw lose. Note: DO NOT TAKE THE SCREW OUT.Then take a coated copper wire and wrap it around the screw (do not cover the whole screw).

Use the screwdriver to make the screw lose. Note: DO NOT TAKE THE SCREW OUT.Then take a coated copper wire and wrap it around the screw (do not cover the whole screw).

Clip the alligator clip to the bare copper wire.

Clip the alligator clip to the bare copper wire.

Use the other end of the coated copper wire to plug it into the switch.

Use the other end of the coated copper wire to plug it into the switch.

Then take another wire and connect it to the other clip on the switch...

Then take another wire and connect it to the other clip on the switch...

Then take the sandpaper and scrape it on both ends of the red wire until the edges (By ends meaning 2 inches from ends) are not red but a coppery color.

Then take the sandpaper and scrape it on both ends of the red wire until the edges (By ends meaning 2 inches from ends) are not red but a coppery color.

Start wrapping the red part of the red wire around the battery to the other side, stopping at the copper part.

Start wrapping the red part of the red wire around the battery to the other side, stopping at the copper part.

  • 1.0 student notebook
  • 2.0 pieces of #20 bare copper wire, each 20 cm long
  • 2.0 Rubber bands no. 16
  • 1.0 Plastic cup and lid
  • 3.0 Pieces of #22 coated hook-up wire ,each 20 cm long
  • 1.0 Switch
  • 1.0 Battery and battery holder
  • 1.0 Piece of sandpaper, 5-cm square
  • 1.0 Flexible magnet,25 * 20* 5 mm with a 5-mm hole in