How to make a “sous vide” ribeye steak

Make a “SOUS VIDE” Ribeye Steak

7 Steps

Put the steak and seasoning in a vacuum back and seal it. If you don\u2019t have a sealer you can use a zipper bag

Put the steak and seasoning in a vacuum back and seal it. If you don’t have a sealer you can use a zipper bag

Seal it

Seal it

Using your phone, Set the temp at 129 F for 1 hour for a medium, follow your sous vide instructions

Using your phone, Set the temp at 129 F for 1 hour for a medium, follow your sous vide instructions

Check your device

Check your device

Put your sealed steak in the water, e sure it is totally submerged

Put your sealed steak in the water, e sure it is totally submerged

After 1 hour your steak is ready to go to a smoking hot skillet.

After one minute each side... Here is the result You have a perfect medium steak

  • 1 ribeye steak, mine was 1.3 #
  • Salt, Pepper Flakes, olive oil, herbs