How to make a simple loop for jewelry

Make a Simple Loop for Jewelry


the simple loop - start with a bead and a headpin

the simple loop - start with a bead and a headpin

trim the headpin - the length depends on the size of the loop, but about 1/2 inch or 12 mm is good

trim the headpin - the length depends on the size of the loop, but about 1/2 inch or 12 mm is good

now you have a shorter headpin

now you have a shorter headpin

grasp the headpin with your ROUNDNOSE pliers, just above the bead

grasp the headpin with your ROUNDNOSE pliers, just above the bead

using your fingers, bend the headpin to 90 degrees, or a little more, over the pliers. Bend away from you. This is hard to see in this pic, so see the next one.

using your fingers, bend the headpin to 90 degrees, or a little more, over the pliers. Bend away from you. This is hard to see in this pic, so see the next one.

This is the 90 bend, I changed the angle so you could see it.

This is the 90 bend, I changed the angle so you could see it.

Now, grasp the very end of the headpin with your pliers ...

Now, grasp the very end of the headpin with your pliers ...

and bend the wire into a loop - if you just roll your wrist away from your body, it will make a nice loop

and bend the wire into a loop - if you just roll your wrist away from your body, it will make a nice loop

here is what it looks like from the other side

here is what it looks like from the other side

sometimes you don’t bend far enough - not to worry, just go back and bend some more until the loop is closed.

sometimes you don\u2019t bend far enough - not to worry, just go back and bend some more until the loop is closed.

A little off-center - but that's ok - you can fix that.

A little off-center - but that's ok - you can fix that.

Just put the pliers through the loop and bend it to make it centered.

 Just put the pliers through the loop and bend it to make it centered.

There you go! Now go make some more! Practice helps!

There you go! Now go make some more! Practice helps!

to attach to something - like a jump ring or a chain or an ear wire, open the loop by twisting to the side, just like the jump ring tutorial!

to attach to something - like a jump ring or a chain or an ear wire, open the loop by twisting to the side, just like the jump ring tutorial!

TIP! To get all your loops the same size, mark your pliers with a sharpie or masking tape so that you always use them in the same place, and you will get the same size loops!

TIP! To get all your loops the same size, mark your pliers with a sharpie or masking tape so that you always use them in the same place, and you will get the same size loops!

  • beads
  • round nose pliers
  • flush wire cutters
  • headpins