How to make a simple fountain in minecraft

Make a Simple Fountain in Minecraft


Cut out a 7x7 area into a level ground.  The blocks on the side are used as an easy way to count the area, they will be removed.

Cut out a 7x7 area into a level ground. The blocks on the side are used as an easy way to count the area, they will be removed.

Fill in the 7x7 area with Stone Bricks.

Fill in the 7x7 area with Stone Bricks.

Use a Dirt block to place a Stone Brick Stairs upside down by clicking the top of the Dirt block. Continue placing the stairs all the way around the 7x7 area.

Use a Dirt block to place a Stone Brick Stairs upside down by clicking the top of the Dirt block. Continue placing the stairs all the way around the 7x7 area.

Build 4 towers at the corners of the middle 3x3 area that are 3 blocks high.

Build 4 towers at the corners of the middle 3x3 area that are 3 blocks high.

Place Stone Slabs at the very tops of the towers and at the top block in between the towers.

Place Stone Slabs at the very tops of the towers and at the top block in between the towers.

Place a Dirt block in the center. This will be removed, but is needed for the water to be placed on top of.

Place a Dirt block in the center. This will be removed, but is needed for the water to be placed on top of.

Place 3 Stone Slabs at the top of each Stone Brick block. Then place a dirt block down and an upside down stair.

Place 3 Stone Slabs at the top of each Stone Brick block. Then place a dirt block down and an upside down stair.

Continue out the stairs till they match the 3 slabs.

Continue out the stairs till they match the 3 slabs.

Repeat steps 7&8 to all of the other sides and remove the Dirt blocks. Still leave the center Dirt block.

Repeat steps 7&8 to all of the other sides and remove the Dirt blocks. Still leave the center Dirt block.

Place the water on the center Dirt block, then remove the dirt.

Place the water on the center Dirt block, then remove the dirt.

Place 5 more slabs on each of the 4 sticking out from the water.

Place 5 more slabs on each of the 4 sticking out from the water.

Using the Stone Brick Slabs build a 3x3 doughnut and ledges sticking out from it.

Using the Stone Brick Slabs build a 3x3 doughnut and ledges sticking out from it.

Add in some decorations around the outside of the fountain. I choose to make Nether Brick benches. This can be done by having 2 Nether stairs facing each other and a slab in the middle of them.

Add in some decorations around the outside of the fountain. I choose to make Nether Brick benches. This can be done by having 2 Nether stairs facing each other and a slab in the middle of them.

  • 21.0 Stone Brick Slab
  • 44.0 Stone Brick Stairs
  • 8.0 Nether Brick Slab
  • 16.0 Nether Brick Stairs
  • 62.0 Stone Bricks
  • 40.0 Stone Slab
  • 1.0 Bucket of Water