How to make a simple cheese soufflé

Make a Simple Cheese Soufflé


Preheat oven to 350 before pouring a cup and a half of cheddar in oven safe dish. Set aside.

Preheat oven to 350 before pouring a cup and a half of cheddar in oven safe dish. Set aside.

Beat 6 eggs until smooth.

Beat 6 eggs until smooth.

Pour eggs over cheese. You want the mixture to reach about a half inch below top of dish.

Pour eggs over cheese. You want the mixture to reach about a half inch below top of dish.

Cut bacon and any other ingredients you would like to add into pieces.

Cut bacon and any other ingredients you would like to add into pieces.

Add ingredients to dish.

Add ingredients to dish.

Place dish in oven and set timer for 50 minutes.

Place dish in oven and set timer for 50 minutes.

Eat up.

  • Eggs
  • Sharp Eddar
  • Turkey bacon (if wanted)
  • Salt and pepper