How to make a silencer

Make a Silencer


Also this instructable is purely for informational purposes and could be dangerous and prohibited

Also this instructable is purely for informational purposes and could be dangerous and prohibited

Step 1: Locate your Materials

Step 1: Locate your Materials

First, let me paint the scene for you: In a post apocalyptic world, you are shopping in a supermarket with your high-powered sniper rifle slung across your shoulder. All of the sudden,

alien invaders burst into the supermarket. You notice that the head honcho alien who's brain serves as a central brainwave server is among the intruders. Seeing as how the aliens havn't seen you yet,

you quickly devise a plan. You grab the items from your cart and jump on top of the freezer isle behind the igloo coolers. Your plan is to take out the honcho alien without revealing your position.

Since your not super creative, you don't think of anything clever aside from shooting him. So! you need a silencer.

Among your grocery items you happen to have a newspaper, a 2 litre bottle of soda, and some electrical tape. Good! thats all you'll need... plus your trusty sniper rifle.

Note: the stuffing action

Note: the stuffing action

Note: more stuffing action.

Note: more stuffing action.

Note: the wrapping action

Note: the wrapping action

the bottle fits nice and snug onto the tape ring.  Action.

the bottle fits nice and snug onto the tape ring. Action.

tape it all up nice and pretty, with action.

tape it all up nice and pretty, with action.

Thinking quickly, you dump the contents of the soda bottle and begin to roll up the newspaper pages. You stuff them into the soda bottle until you can't fit any more.

Then you wrap the barrel of your rifle with electrical tape until the mouth of the bottle will fit snugly onto the barrel.

You secure the silencer onto the barrel with some more electrical tape and peer from your perch in order to locate the aliens positions.

If your lucky, your scope might even clear the bottle and allow you to take aim!

Spotting the head honcho alien in the self checkout lane, your take aim.

As you exhale your finger eases onto the trigger. A muffled "pop" sound eminates from your barrel. BUT because your silencer screwed up the trajectory of the bullet, it misses the target.

It ricochets off the hardheaded store manager and strikes the alien anyhow.

Mission Accomplished. The other aliens flee the scene, the town, earth in it's entirety, and you can sit back and enjoy a nice brew.

Once again, I must warn you. This really isn't a good idea to do in real life due to it's danger and legality, but it's good info to know for a post apocalyptic world.

  • Soda bottle
  • Tape
  • Paper
  • Gun