How to make a science c.a.t

Make a Science C.A.T


1. A) nerve cell. It's structure is related to its function because the cells have to be long enough to send messages to other brain cells

A nerve cell

A nerve cell

1. B) the disease that happens by nerve cell is Parkinson's disease. If the nerve cell is not working properly, you may get Parkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is when us nerves shut down.

Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease

1. C) you can get neurological examinations to try to prevent this disease from happening. Using X-Ray rays. This machine allows to look at your nerves to see if it's fully functional.

1. D) starts at a nerve cell, to Brian tissue,to the brain, to the nervous system, to a human

Hierarchical organization

Hierarchical organization

1. E) five life style choices you can do to keep your body healthy are, eat healthy, exersice, don't smoke, eat maximum 4 servings of food per day, go for monthly check ups at the doctors

1. F) The chemical reaction happening during the making of pizza. The dough is yeast bread and the heat and light of the oven,turns dough into edible pizza.

1. F) starts as a mixing of starch, yeast and flower. Mixing all of it together makes pizza dough. All of these things and a heated oven creates a chemical reaction.



  • 1/4c C.
  • 1/2g A.
  • 1/8pch T