How to make a "robotic hand"

This is a very simple protect to do on a boring day. And it's fun to make !! I hope it brightens your day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You are going to need corrugated cardboard.

You are going to need corrugated cardboard.

The size of your hand.

The size of your hand.

Draw your first four fingers.

Draw your first four fingers.

Then your thumb.

Then your thumb.

With your knife cut through the lines.

With your knife cut through the lines.

This is what it should look like when you finish cutting.

This is what it should look like when you finish cutting.

Take your knife and instead of cutting through just apply enough pressure so that the cardboard dents. \u26a0\ufe0fBe careful not to cut all the way.\u26a0\ufe0f

Take your knife and instead of cutting through just apply enough pressure so that the cardboard dents. ⚠️Be careful not to cut all the way.⚠️

After denting the fingers carefully bend them like so.

After denting the fingers carefully bend them like so.

It should look like this.

It should look like this.

The next step is to cut straws smaller than the finger segments. And tape them.

The next step is to cut straws smaller than the finger segments. And tape them.

Now feed a string segment through the straws.

Now feed a string segment through the straws.

Now tape the the string to the top of the finger.

Now tape the the string to the top of the finger.

Poke a hole in the center of the hand.

Poke a hole in the center of the hand.

Feed the strings through the hole.

Feed the strings through the hole.

  • Kite string
  • Cardboard
  • Straw
  • Tape
  • Sissors or hobby Knife