How to make a ribbon weave heart

Make a Ribbon Weave Heart


Gather supplies

Gather supplies

Pin the vilene to the board , shiny side up . Lay the ribbons down side by side , alternating colours. Pin in place at top only , tilting the pins away.

Pin the vilene to the board , shiny side up . Lay the ribbons down side by side , alternating colours. Pin in place at top only , tilting the pins away.

Continue in sequence until the vilene is covered

Continue in sequence until the vilene is covered

Lay the next ribbon across, pin in place at both ends

Lay the next ribbon across, pin in place at both ends

Pull out every white vertical ribbon with a pin , over the horizontal ribbon

Pull out every white vertical ribbon with a pin , over the horizontal ribbon

Anchor the first row with a few pins . Lay the next vertical ribbon below the first and pin in place at an angle as shown

Anchor the first row with a few pins . Lay the next vertical ribbon below the first and pin in place at an angle as shown

Pull out every pink vertical ribbon with a pin , over the 2nd horizontal ribbon. Then move the pin up to close the gap

Pull out every pink vertical ribbon with a pin , over the 2nd horizontal ribbon. Then move the pin up to close the gap

Use a few pins to pull the horizontal ribbon up into place . Don't catch the vertical ribbons with these pins as this allows you to tug the horizontal ribbons to tighten the weave .

Use a few pins to pull the horizontal ribbon up into place . Don't catch the vertical ribbons with these pins as this allows you to tug the horizontal ribbons to tighten the weave .

Close up of pulling alternating ribbons with a pin

Close up of pulling alternating ribbons with a pin

Continue laying alternating colours across

Continue laying alternating colours across

And move the same pins down the board as you go , leaving the first row anchored.

And move the same pins down the board as you go , leaving the first row anchored.

Moving the same pins down the board

Moving the same pins down the board

Continue until the vilene is covered

Continue until the vilene is covered

Finished weave

Finished weave

Cover with a cloth and iron in place , one side at a time.

Cover with a cloth and iron in place , one side at a time.

Hold the ribbons firmly as you extract the pins , one side at a time

Hold the ribbons firmly as you extract the pins , one side at a time

Iron the reverse side as well

Iron the reverse side as well

Place your  template on the vilene and draw around it

Place your template on the vilene and draw around it

Drawn shape . You decide if you want it straight as shown or you could angle it

Drawn shape . You decide if you want it straight as shown or you could angle it

Cut out 2 pieces of 6" X 4.5" out of matching fabric . Turn under a hem on one long side of each piece . Sew a strip of Velcro on each hem ( optional)

Cut out 2 pieces of 6" X 4.5" out of matching fabric . Turn under a hem on one long side of each piece . Sew a strip of Velcro on each hem ( optional)

Close Velcro if using. If not pin in place from wrong side .

Close Velcro if using. If not pin in place from wrong side .

Pin back and front right sides together and sew around drawn shape

Pin back and front right sides together and sew around drawn shape

Trim and turn right side out

Trim and turn right side out

Sew optional daisy trim around outer edge of heart

Sew optional daisy trim around outer edge of heart

Sew daisy trim across one section of back as shown

Sew daisy trim across one section of back as shown

Sew a bow and finish with one daisy. Sew to the front of the heart .

Sew a bow and finish with one daisy. Sew to the front of the heart .

Daisy trim across the back

Daisy trim across the back

Tread 2 lengths of ribbon through a needle with a large eye to make a loop at the top of the heart, knotting on the inside. Stuff with wadding and slip stitch the back opening closed. FINISHED HEART

Tread 2 lengths of ribbon through a needle with a large eye to make a loop at the top of the heart, knotting on the inside. Stuff with wadding and slip stitch the back opening closed. FINISHED HEART

  • 5" square iron on vilene
  • 4.6m 3mm ribbon x 2 colours
  • Matching fabric
  • Daisy braid ( optional )
  • Foam board
  • Pearl head pins
  • Wadding
  • Heart template
  • Needles & thread