How to make a rainbow loom ladder bracelet

Make a Rainbow Loom Ladder Bracelet


Gather your supplies.

Gather your supplies.

Grab your first color. This will be the color of the perimeter.

Grab your first color. This will be the color of the perimeter.

Place the rubber bands going up until the second to last peg.

Place the rubber bands going up until the second to last peg.

Now repeat steps 3,4,& 5 on the other side.

It should now look like this.

It should now look like this.

Grab your second color.

Grab your second color.

Get your next color.

Get your next color.

It should now look like this.

It should now look like this.

now grab your hook.

now grab your hook.

the cap band should be right there.

the cap band should be right there.

hook the middle row like a regular single. when you start, make the hook push the cap band back so you can reach the first blue band.

hook the middle row like a regular single. when you start, make the hook push the cap band back so you can reach the first blue band.

it should look like this.

it should look like this.

Next, hook the perimeter like a regular single in the order that you placed the perimeter bands.

Next, hook the perimeter like a regular single in the order that you placed the perimeter bands.

Next, put the hook through the rubber bands at the top.

Next, put the hook through the rubber bands at the top.

put a rubber band at the end of the hook.

put a rubber band at the end of the hook.

pull the rubber band through and put the other end on the hook. Pull the bracelet off the loom.

pull the rubber band through and put the other end on the hook. Pull the bracelet off the loom.

Add an extension, and TA-DA! You're done! Enjoy!

The creator of this guide has not included tools