How to make a rainbow loom cupcake charm original design!
Make a Rainbow Loom Cupcake Charm Original Design!
Hi I'm going to be teaching you how to make a rainbow loom cupcake this is my original design!
Make sure arrows are pointing away from you!
Start with to bands starting in the center pin going to your left
Do 2 more bands on the left
And you should have 4 rows of bands
Repeat to the right side
And middle
And on your left ( we are starting the frosting) take 2 white bands and go straight
Then turn to the middle peg
Repeat on right
And center row
Now time for the CHEERY!!! Find 2 pegs anywhere on your loom and place 2 bands on top
Take your hook wrap a (red) band 3 times on your hook and place it on the peg for a capband
Like show
Repeat this step
And place it on top
Go under all the cap bands and loop the 2 bands over
And place it at te end of the frosting and add your triangles all down your loom
Now loop the first to bands to the centwr
And do same to left and right
And continue looping ALL the way down
Insert your hook where you ended and PULL off
Add a slip knot....
And WAHLA thanks for watching this is my original design cupcake!!!
The creator of this guide has not included tools
Dylan Jayne
Hi my name is Dylan and I do guides about rainbow loom,crochet,DIY,recipes,and minecraft thanks guys new guide every day!
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