How to make a rainbow bubble snake

Make a Rainbow Bubble Snake


Step 1. First you need to get your scissors get your plastic bottle and from the tip of the cap measure down 9 centimetres (3inches) and cut around as measured.

This is what it should look like

This is what it should look like

Get your sock and then put the plastic top all the way down so it looks like this

This is how you should put it in so that the bottom of the plastic is flat on the ground

This is how you should put it in so that the bottom of the plastic is flat on the ground

Then just below the cap cut the sock around so you just see the cap

It should look something like this (It doesn\u2019t have to be perfect

It should look something like this (It doesn’t have to be perfect

Now once you have done that get the rubber band and tie it around the bottle so the sock stays in place

Get food colouring and dab 1 or 2 drops around the bottom on the sock or cloth

Next to make the soap for the bubbles you need to mix water and soap. Put around 50ml of soap and 100ml of water. This also depends on what consistency you want it.

Once you have made you’re mixture in the plastic container dab the end of the bottle gently inside the soap

Now twist your cap of and blow through it

And you now have you’re rainbow snake bubble

  • Requirements
  • Purple, green, blue and yellow food colouring
  • Dish soap or just any liquid soap
  • Empty plastic bottle
  • Plastic container of any sort
  • Scossors
  • Rubber band
  • Sock or small towel( preferably thick)