How to make a pop-up dog

Make a Pop-Up Dog


Step #1 Draw a 1/2 triangular oval.

Step #2 Draw a circle around, but slightly overlapping step.

Step #3 Draw a small curved triangle (the nose) in step 1. Also, add oval eyes above the nose.

Step 4 : then after drawing the eyes and the nose , draw the ears by making an oval square shape on the top of its head. Then add a little bit of hair on top of its head.

Step #5 Draw almost parallel lines, going to the bottom left. Then a curved 1/2 rectangle under each line.

Step #6 Make the body by drawing two lines from head down to the bottom of the dog , than finish the front legs by making two lines to the middle of the body.

Step #7 Then make a shot glass(alcohol), then attach it to step 6 facing 45 degrees.

Step #8 Then copy the left foot of step 5 reflected over the y-axis.

Step #9 Finish the body by making a line at the bottom of the body, between the second leg and the back leg. Then add a tail. We prefer the perky upright tail.

Step 10 Then glue it to a sheet of construction paper. Wait for it to dry, then cut the outline of the dog still showing some of the construction paper.

Step 11 Cut out 2 strips. The first 11inches The second 5-6 inches. Staple them together, then glue it to a half sheet of construction paper.

Step 12 Glue your dog to the strips.

  • Pencil
  • Paper
  • Eraser
  • Colored pencils
  • Scissors
  • Construction paper
  • Glue