How to make a plastic cup weaving

Make a Plastic Cup Weaving


You will need plastic or paper cups for each student, scissors, a variety of yarn, and permanent markers.

You will need plastic or paper cups for each student, scissors, a variety of yarn, and permanent markers.

Put marks on the top of the cup where the cuts will be made.  Make an ODD number of dots so you will have an odd number of cup slices!  I recommend 7 or 9 for elementary beginners.

Put marks on the top of the cup where the cuts will be made. Make an ODD number of dots so you will have an odd number of cup slices! I recommend 7 or 9 for elementary beginners.

It's okay if you have to make some dots closer together to get your ODD number in.  It will still look awesome!

It's okay if you have to make some dots closer together to get your ODD number in. It will still look awesome!

Cut carefully down to the cup so you have nice straight slices.  The slices should all stop at about the same place on the cup.  This will keep the first row of yarn nice and horizontal on the cup.

Cut carefully down to the cup so you have nice straight slices. The slices should all stop at about the same place on the cup. This will keep the first row of yarn nice and horizontal on the cup.

Sometimes you will have some jagged edges on the cup.  Be careful these don't snag your yarn!  You can carefully cut them off or work around them.

Sometimes you will have some jagged edges on the cup. Be careful these don't snag your yarn! You can carefully cut them off or work around them.

Make a knot in your yarn.

Make a knot in your yarn.

Put the knot through one of the slices all the way to the bottom and make sure it is secure in between two slices.

Put the knot through one of the slices all the way to the bottom and make sure it is secure in between two slices.

Start your over, under, over, under weave.  This time it's kind of more like in, out, in, out because of the cup's cylindrical shape.  Keep traveling around the cup.

Start your over, under, over, under weave. This time it's kind of more like in, out, in, out because of the cup's cylindrical shape. Keep traveling around the cup.

Keep going!

Keep going!

Switch colors of yarn by tying pieces together and continuing the process!

Switch colors of yarn by tying pieces together and continuing the process!

Looking good!

Looking good!

Even the inside looks cool!

Even the inside looks cool!

  • Plastic Cups
  • Yarn
  • scissors
  • permanent markers