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How to make a planter box for under $5

Make a Planter Box for Under $5


Measure your palet, try to find two groups of boars that equal in width

Measure your palet, try to find two groups of boars that equal in width

Use your saw to chop the pallet down to size, watch out for your fingers.

Use your saw to chop the pallet down to size, watch out for your fingers.



Cut four pieces the same height for the ends.

Cut four pieces the same height for the ends.

Looking good.

Looking good.

Join the end pieces together wit some screws.

Join the end pieces together wit some screws.

More screws .

More screws .

More screws.

More screws.

Attach the bottom piece.

Attach the bottom piece.

Line with some plastic, so it doesn't leak water all over the terrace.

Line with some plastic, so it doesn't leak water all over the terrace.

Fill with potting mix.

Fill with potting mix.

Add some plants, like snow peas and parsley.

Add some plants, like snow peas and parsley.

  • 1 x shipping pallet
  • 1 x hammer
  • 1 x saw
  • 1 x drill
  • 1 x packet screws
  • 1x bag potting mix